A creative team embarks on a journey through Ukraine to meet with unique individuals: chefs, bakers, pastry chefs, restaurateurs, and food enthusiasts. These people are the authors, researchers, and guardians of recipes, the keepers of traditions related to dough-based products. Viewers will discover over two dozen recipes. With the help of famous Ukrainian chefs, viewers will understand the philosophy of bread, flour, and dough and how it truly connects us all.
- Genre: Documentary
- Runtime: 95 minutes
- Hosts: Volodymyr Yaroslavsky, Olha Martynovska
- Creative Producer: Serhiy Huleykov
- Director: Dmytro Kochnev
- Director of Photography: Dmytro Mulenko
- Screenwriter: Anton Bazelinskyi
- Composer: CEPASA
- Production: Film Ua
- Year: 2023
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